Hosted by Baba Ali




HOD Live

The Difference

Explore HOD Live: A New Direction for Muslim Singles Events

Welcome to HOD Live, a revolutionary approach to Muslim matchmaking events. Unlike traditional speed dating, HOD Live offers a unique, interactive experience designed to foster deep, meaningful connections among participants. This model, adopted by organizations in various cities, focuses on compatibility and mutual interests, steering away from superficial encounters.

A Deeper Connection: HOD Live events move past the superficial encounters typical of the matchmaking scene. Designed with marriage-minded Muslims in mind, these activities allow participants to explore compatibility in a relaxed, pressure-free environment, setting the stage for genuine connections.

Privacy and Exclusivity: Our events are held at undisclosed locations, accessible only to those attending. We value your privacy deeply, ensuring that the journey to finding your other half remains discreet and respectful.

Precision in Matchmaking: Unique in the Muslim matchmaking sphere, HOD Live doesn’t just ensure a balanced gender ratio; we go a step further by hand-selecting attendees to align within the specific age ranges they’re seeking.

Unmatched Success Rate: At HOD Live events, 59% of attendees find their match, setting a record unmatched by any other single event. It’s a testament to our effectiveness that approximately 24% of attendees travel from far and wide to join our exclusive events.

The HOD Live Difference

Integration with All HOD Live participants are also members of This integration allows attendees to delve into each other’s profiles before, during, and after the event, providing a comprehensive understanding of potential matches through up to 157 marriage-related questions.

Compatibility First: Our activities and system are designed to calculate and reveal compatibility among participants in real time. You’ll discover who shares your views and who offers a different perspective, all while engaging in meaningful and fun activities.

Curated Attendance: Unlike any other model, organizers of HOD Live events carefully select attendees to ensure a male-to-female ratio and align participants within their desired age ranges. This thoughtful process helps ensure a balanced and comfortable environment for everyone involved.

Join the HOD Live Community: HOD Live is more than just an event; it’s a community of like-minded individuals seeking meaningful connections based on compatibility and shared values. If you’re tired of the conventional speed dating circuit and are looking for a more substantive approach to meeting your other half, HOD Live is for you.

Select Your City Below

Our HOD Live model events take place in multiple cities, each organized by independent local organizations. These organizations are committed to implementing the HOD Live model, ensuring a consistent experience across locations. Each event is hosted by Baba Ali, utilizing our unique matchmaking system. Please note that the registration process is managed by the hosting organization. Click on the city you’re interested in to apply for their upcoming event:

My Story

A Journey of Faith, Hope, and Love

Assalamu Alaikum,

I’m Baba Ali. Like many of you, my path to finding my spouse wasn’t paved with ease; it was a journey filled with introspection, faith, and ultimately, a profound connection that Allah (SWT) blessed me with.

Embracing Islam, Embracing Challenges

As a convert to Islam, the traditional pathways to marriage that many Muslims take for granted were not available to me. My local Muslim community, while a source of spiritual comfort, lacked structured support for singles like myself seeking a life partner within the fold of our faith.

Venturing into the world of Muslim matrimonial sites, I quickly realized the depth I was seeking was often lost in a sea of superficiality. Despite clearly articulating my values and what I was looking for, the responses overwhelmed me, signaling a journey filled with more questions than answers.

A Leap of Faith Across the Miles

In my search for a companion who truly understood the essence of a life shared in faith and love, I devised a unique approach—dealbreaker questions that went beyond the surface, aiming straight for the heart’s truth. Out of all who responded, one person from London stood out, not just for her answers, but for the sincerity I felt behind each word.

Despite our differing backgrounds and the miles between us, it was clear; she was the one Allah (SWT) had intended for me. After months of heart-to-heart conversations, I embarked on a journey across the world, entrusting my heart to the will of Allah (SWT). Within two weeks, we were united in marriage, a bond that, nearly 19 years later, remains as strong as the day it was forged.

From Personal Revelation to Collective Solution

Witnessing a friend navigate similar challenges, I shared my strategy, leading him to find his partner. It became evident that our experiences were not unique but shared by many Muslims worldwide. This realization led to the birth of HOD in July 2010, a platform not just for meeting but for cultivating deep understanding and meaningful connections, beyond the superficial, in a manner that respects our values and traditions.

HOD: A Reflection of Faith and Purpose

HOD stands as a testament to the journey many Muslims face in finding a spouse. Here, we go beyond mere profiles to offer insights into the character, values, and dreams of those who walk this path with us. Facilitated by thoughtful questions, we provide insights into the dynamics of potential life partners, revealing the essence of their character and faith.

Towards a Future Together

If you’re on this sacred quest, know that your journey resonates with us deeply. HOD isn’t just a platform; it’s a community where the quest for companionship is intertwined with our shared values and aspirations.

And the journey doesn’t end online. HOD Live events bring the essence of our platform into dynamic, real-world settings where connections deepen and the quest for a spouse becomes an experience shared in faith and joy. With over 70 events in 4 countries, and a remarkable success rate, HOD Live stands as a beacon of hope and success in the world of Muslim matchmaking.

Welcome to HOD, where your path to finding your other half is illuminated by faith, understanding, and the promise of new beginnings.

With heartfelt dua for your journey,

– Baba Ali

Baba Ali Videos

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“The event was by far one of the most amazing, extremely well organized and thought out events I have attended.  The intrinsic details of the attendees and the website is unreal.”


“Even though I came all the way from German to attend the event, it was totally worth it!”


How HOD Live Works

A Unique Path to Finding Your Other Half

At HOD Live, we’ve reimagined the journey of finding your spouse. It’s not just about meeting people; it’s about discovering compatibility, shared values, and genuine connections in a respectful and Islamic environment. Here’s how our unique process works, step by step:

Step 1: Registration and Preparation

Choose Your Event: Start by selecting an HOD Live event in your city from our website. Our events are held globally, offering numerous opportunities to participate in this unique experience.

Complete Your Profile: Upon registration, you’ll be asked to complete a detailed profile on This isn’t just any profile; it’s a comprehensive look into your personality, preferences, dealbreakers, and more, aimed at highlighting the essence of who you are.

Step 2: Compatibility First

Discovering Deep Compatibility: Unlike traditional events where you meet people randomly, HOD Live utilizes the detailed information from your profile to enhance your event experience. Before the event, you can explore attendees’ profiles, seeing where you align or differ, all without making direct contact.

Step 3: Engaging Activities

Exclusive Activities: At the event, you’ll participate in unique activities designed by Baba Ali. These aren’t your typical icebreakers; they’re thoughtful exercises aimed at revealing compatibility, understanding dealbreakers, and uncovering shared values in a fun and interactive setting.

Reflecting Islamic Values: Every aspect of HOD Live is designed with Islamic values in mind. Our activities encourage respectful interaction, ensuring a comfortable environment that honors our faith and Islamic traditions.

Step 4: Making Meaningful Connections

Informed Interactions: Armed with insights from our compatibility-focused activities and your pre-event profile explorations, you’ll engage with fellow attendees in a more meaningful way. This approach allows you to invest your time wisely, focusing on those with whom you share genuine compatibility.

Confidentiality and Respect: Privacy and respect are paramount at HOD Live. You can express interest discreetly, with the assurance that all interactions are handled with the utmost respect for each participant’s privacy.

Step 5: Beyond the Event

Mutual Match Notification: Once the event concludes, our dedicated system takes the lead in identifying mutual matches among participants. Attendees who have sparked a mutual interest will be notified, setting the foundation for what we hope will be a blossoming connection. We encourage all participants to proceed with these newfound relationships by adhering to respectful communication and following Islamic guidelines, ensuring barakah in every step of their journey together.

Continuous Support: HOD Live doesn’t end when the event does. Our platform offers continuous support and advice, helping you navigate the journey of getting to know your potential matches in a halal and meaningful way.

Join Us at HOD Live

Ready to embark on a transformative journey to find your other half? HOD Live offers a respectful, effective, and enjoyable path to discovering deep compatibility and lasting connections. Register for an event near you today and experience the difference of mindful matchmaking designed with your values and faith at heart.

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Bring HOD Live to Your City

Let’s work together to bring HOD Live to your city and provide a platform where singles can meet in an environment that respects Islamic principles and focuses on deep compatibility.  Please fill out the form below to express your interest, and a member of our team will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.

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